
2024年1月15日—ThemaingoalofthisprojectistoimprovethespamhandlingfacilitiesavailablefromtheSynologyMailServerapplication.,Security.Youcanenablespamfilters,antivirusscan,blackandwhitelist,contentscan,andauthenticationtoprotectthemailsystemandclientusers.,SynologyKnowledgeCenterofferscomprehensivesupport,providinganswerstofrequentlyaskedquestions,troubleshootingsteps,softwaretutorials, ...,Synolo...


2024年1月15日 — The main goal of this project is to improve the spam handling facilities available from the Synology MailServer application.


Security. You can enable spam filters, antivirus scan, black and white list, content scan, and authentication to protect the mail system and client users.


Synology Knowledge Center offers comprehensive support, providing answers to frequently asked questions, troubleshooting steps, software tutorials, ...

電子郵件流量& 伺服器狀態

Synology 知識中心為您提供全方位的技術支援,包含常見問題解答、疑難排解步驟、軟體應用教學,以及您可能需要的所有技術文件。

Security | Synology MailPlus Server

Go to Antispam. · Under Spam control, click Custom Spam Filter to set up the following two kinds of filters: Address Filter: Click Create to add spam or non-spam ...

Security | Synology Mail Server

Tick Enable SpamAssassin filter engine to filter out spam based on content-matching rules. Enter the number of days in the Delete spam interval field to specify ...

Spam on MailPlus

2022年7月29日 — Spam filtering will take a fair bit of work on your part to get your email server setup correctly and limit its ability to pass through. For a ...